> 春节2024 > 大年八月用英语怎么说




在除夕夜,我们可以说\"at New Year\'s Eve\",表示在这个特殊的夜晚。而在大年初一,我们可以说\"on the first day of the Chinese New Year\",表示在华人的农历新年的第一天。


today is new year\'s eve,it\'s festive out on the street,people are set off fireworks,这说明在除夕夜的时候,人们在大街上有节日的气氛,纷纷燃放烟花。


The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the western countries. On the eve of the lunar new year, families will have a big dinner together, which is called \"年夜饭(nián yè fàn)\" in Chinese. They will have various delicious dishes and enjoy the time with their loved ones. On the first day of the lunar new year, people will pay a visit to their relatives and friends to say \"拜年(bài nián)\",which means to send greetings and blessings. It\'s a time for family reunions and celebration.


Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year.


Today is the 30th day of the lunar new year, and we are preparing to welcome the arrival of the new year. This afternoon, my grandmother insisted on making dumplings by herself. Dumplings are a traditional food during the Spring Festival. It\'s believed that eating dumplings on New Year\'s Eve will bring good luck and fortune for the coming year.


The Happy Spring Festival

Spring festival is on the first day of the first lunar month.Chinese people like this festival very much because in their mind, it represents the hope and happiness.People visit relatives’house with the words “Happy Spring Festival” from the beginning to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Numerous fireworks were shot into the sky that night. These activities continue till midnight. On the first day of the lunar new year, I got up early in the morning and wore new clothes to visit my relatives and friends. We exchanged greetings and wishes for the new year.




The customs of celebrating the Chinese New Year in China are diverse and fascinating. People will clean their houses thoroughly before the festival, which symbolizes the removal of bad luck and the anticipation of good fortune in the coming year. In addition, the \"red envelopes\" filled with money, known as \"压岁钱(yā suì qián)\", are given to children as a blessing and a symbol of good luck. People will also set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year and scare away evil spirits. Lion and dragon dances, traditional food such as dumplings and glutinous rice cakes, and the beautiful lanterns are all indispensable elements of the Chinese New Year celebrations.


\"热闹迎新春、欢欢喜喜过大年\"可以用\"The bustling new year energy-saving\"来描述这种喜庆热闹的氛围,表示新年的到来。大年是人们团聚欢庆的时刻,家人互相祝福,共度美好时光。