> 生活知识 > sk2眼霜怎么看生产日期和保质期




SK-II is a luxury skincare brand that offers a wide range of products to cater to the different needs of its customers. One of its flagship products is the SK-II eye cream, which is an essence that targets aging signs around the delicate eye area. As with all skincare products, it is important to know how to check the production date and expiry date of the SK-II eye cream to ensure its effectiveness and safety. In this article, we will discuss the steps on how to check the production date and expiry date of SK-II eye cream.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Check SK-II Eye Cream Production Date

To check the production date of SK-II eye cream, you need to look for a series of numbers and letters on the packaging. The code will be in the following format: 123ABC. The first three digits represent the day of the year it was produced (for example, 123 means it was produced on the 123rd day of the year). The last three characters represent the batch code.

You can find the code on the bottom of the box or on the crimped end of the tube. Once you have located the code, you can check the production date on SK-II's official website or by contacting their customer service.

How to Check SK-II Eye Cream Expiry Date

SK-II eye cream has a shelf life of three years from the date of production. To check the expiry date of SK-II eye cream, look for the small symbol of an open jar on the packaging with a number inside. The number inside the symbol indicates the number of months the product is safe to use after opening.

For example, if the symbol has 12M inside, it means that the product is safe to use for 12 months after opening. Once the product has been opened, it is important to keep track of how long you have been using it to ensure that you do not use expired products on your skin.

Factors That Affect the SK-II Eye Cream Expiration Date

The expiry date of SK-II eye cream can vary depending on the way it is stored and handled. Some factors that can affect its shelf life include:

  • Exposure to heat or direct sunlight can cause the product to break down and lose its effectiveness.
  • Contamination from unclean fingers or surfaces can introduce bacteria and cause the product to spoil.
  • Leaving the product open for too long can cause it to dry out and lose its potency.

To ensure that your SK-II eye cream lasts as long as possible, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and make sure to close the lid tightly after each use. Always use clean hands or a spatula to scoop out the product to avoid contamination.

The Importance of Using Fresh and Effective Skincare Products

Using expired skincare products can cause irritation, breakouts, and even infection. It is important to regularly check the production and expiry dates of all skincare products, including SK-II eye cream, to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Using fresh and effective skincare products can help improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

Investing in high-quality skincare products like SK-II eye cream can help maintain the youthful and radiant appearance of the delicate eye area. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your SK-II eye cream is fresh and effective, providing long-lasting results for your skin.