> 生活知识 > 冬天汽车多久发动一次




Winter is a time of the year when cars are subject to a lot of wear and tear due to low temperatures and icy roads. One way to ensure your vehicle remains in good condition during this season is by starting it regularly. However, many car owners are not sure how often to start their cars during winter. This article explores the reasons why cars need to be started in winter and how often they should be started.

The Importance of Starting Your Car in Winter

In cold weather, your car's battery, oil and other fluids tend to thicken, causing them to become less effective. This reduces the car's performance and may even damage the engine if left untreated. Starting your car regularly helps to warm up the engine and get the fluids circulating, which keeps them from thickening and ensures they continue to function as intended.

How Often Should You Start Your Car in Winter?

The frequency of starting your car in winter largely depends on the weather conditions and how often you use the vehicle. In general, it's advisable to start your car at least once a week for around 15 minutes to ensure it remains in good condition.

Other Tips to Keep Your Car in Good Condition During Winter

Starting your car regularly is not the only thing you should do to keep it in good shape during winter. Here are some additional tips:

  • Keep your car clean to prevent salt or other harsh chemicals on the roads from damaging the paint or undercarriage
  • Check your tire pressure regularly to maintain proper traction on icy roads
  • Use the appropriate oil for your car's engine to ensure it performs optimally in cold conditions
  • Replace old or damaged windshield wipers to improve visibility during snow and sleet


Starting your car regularly during winter is essential to keep it in good condition. Aim to start your car at least once a week for 15 minutes to get the fluids circulating. Following the additional tips listed above will also help to ensure that your car remains in good shape during this challenging season.